Selected Publications:
- 2020— subTerrain, #85 Guest Editor/Opening Editorial/Design Direction http://subterrain.ca/
- 2017 — subTerrain, #76 The Future. "Beings of Boundless Space" http://subterrain.ca/
- 2015 — POV, the documentary magazine of Canada. A review of the films of Gary Marcuse. http://povmagazine.com/issues/view/spring-2015
- 2011 — The Capilano Review/Manifestos Now! Issue / Winter 2011/ “TiC Pop Pop TiC: The Timeless Pupil of the Eye” — 6 pages of critical/literary writing http://www.thecapilanoreview.ca/issues/issue-3-13/
- 2009 — Humanities+ / Transhumanists — covers technological, scientific & cultural trends that are changing human beings. Lead article “Soul Medicine: Ecstasy as Therapy”
- 2008 — Co-editor, co-designer, contributor — “DAMP” — a hard cover book on contemporary Vancouver media art published in 2008. Anvil Press — contributor of 12+ pages http://www.anvilpress.com/Books/damp
- 2008 — POV, the documentary magazine of Canada — essay and reviews.
- 2007 — POV, the documentary magazine of Canada — essay and reviews.
- 2005 — "The Binary as Animate Art" — published by YYZ Artists’ Outlet Publishing, Toronto in “The Sharpest Point — animation at the end of cinema” (Book) https://www.yyzbooks.com
- 2003 — "Tactika Automatika" – (4 pages) Front Magazine, The Western Front
- 2002 — "M-I-SEE-K-E-WHY" — (2 pages) Mix Magazine, Toronto
- “On Malevich’s Black Square” — an analysis of Kasimir Malevich’s Black Square – published in translation in the art magazine “La Tempestad”, Mexico. (4 pages).1999. http://www.amazon.com/La-Tempestad/dp/B000AM39K6
- “Roll Credits” — a critique on Canadian media institutions for POV, the magazine of documentary filmmakers of Canada. + author of 2 other articles and critical writing on media in Canada published in POV http://docorg.ca/en/point-view-magazine
- Cover feature critical article & accompanying photographs — on The Banff Centre for the Arts - in FUSE Magazine, Toronto. http://fusemagazine.org/
- Critical article & accompanying photographs — on ZKM — Media Museum/Research Centre - Karlsruhe, Germany - in FUSE Magazine. Toronto http://fusemagazine.org/
- 2000 — "Towards a Philosophy of the Discrete" Selected by Postmodern Culture & The Johns Hopkins University Press for their online Journal http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/pmc/readings.html
- Hypertext Novella (completed 1998) "conceived" a multinode hypertext novella profiled for study by The Cyberculture Working Group, The Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies and the Department of American Studies, The University of Maryland, Baltimore, and at The University of California, Santa Barbara, “Hyperliterature” course.
- 1997 — Participant/Writer: FLESHFACTOR FESTIVAL - Arts Electronica Centre, Linz, Austria
- 1997 — Participant/Writer: Digital Burgess Conference - Actual and Online forum at Biota.org and at The Banff Centre for the Arts. – Investigating: the Worlds of Paleobiology and Digital Biota (Tierra, synthetic plants and their environments as represented by L-systems, Cellular Automata, Genetic Algorithms) http://www.biota.org/conf97/hockenhull.html
- Proceedings: "Towards An Ecology Of Writing" W.R.I.T.E. '95, Writers' Retreat on Interactive Technology and Equipment. A conference on hypermedia organized by The University of British Columbia Continuing Studies
- "Towards a Philosophy of the Discrete" A hypertext critical document on line. Published in T|E|L|E|C|I|N|E|- the WWW Journal of New Media Authoring in the Digital Domain –Vol. 2/SPRING/1995 Northwestern University, linked from The University of Virginia Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, Tech-SciCulture- University of California, Santa Barbara, The University of Iowa, Victoria University (NZ), Rensselaer Tech. Institute, New York State, McGill, Montréal, U.B.C. Foundation, and by The Institute for Social Theory at Keele University, U.K.
- 1995 — Author of "Syntactical and Aesthetic Answers to Navigational Problems in HyperMedia: A Montage Based Approach" Sponsoring agency: Centre for Image and Sound Research
- 1992 —1994 — Various articles in WORKPRINT, Cineworks magazine - filmmakers co-op of B.C.
- Essay in THE INDEPENDENT EYE (C.F.M.D.C. Toronto) —"Cinema is Death at Work"
- 1989 — "Moving Zero Point: The Grace of The Sign of Grace" -essay/polemic dealing with Nihilism in Avant-Garde Film practice. Published in THE INDEPENDENT EYE (C.F.M.D.C. Toronto)
- 1987 — Co-founder/co-editor of SPEED, a critical film journal. Editorial/Obligatory Manifesto
- 1975?/77 —Poems published in Grain Literary Magazine — The Journal of Eclectic Writing http://www.grainmagazine.ca/about.html