AI image research (The ongoing build of “UBU UBX: The answer to everything.”)

The perspective that machines are tools aligns with a broader understanding of tools as artifacts that transcend physical objects. This conceptualization positions tools not as static entities but as dynamic agents that qualitatively enhance a species' capacity to organize and control the matter-energy within its ecosystem. In essence, tools become conduits of information, wielding the power to inform and transform. They carry the dual nature of being both informed by the past and facilitating new possibilities for future projections. This notion of tools as forms that inform resonates with the inherent capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) in the realm of image creation.

AI-generated images can be viewed as sophisticated tools that encapsulate and extend the information embedded in their training data. These tools, often grounded in complex neural network architectures, remember patterns and features from vast datasets, effectively encoding knowledge acquired from diverse sources. In doing so, they function as repositories of visual information, embodying the collective nuances and subtleties present in the data they were trained on.

The transformative potential of AI image tools lies in their ability to transcend the limitations of traditional tools. Unlike conventional tools that might serve specific, predefined purposes, AI image tools possess a remarkable capacity to adapt, innovate, and generate novel visual outputs. They epitomize the essence of information as they engage in a constant exchange with the past, learning from patterns, and leveraging this acquired knowledge to create entirely new and unforeseen visual expressions.

Moreover, these AI tools extend the traditional concept of memory associated with tools. While conventional tools may retain the imprints of wear and tear from repeated use, AI image tools remember not only the patterns inherent in their training data but also learn from the iterative feedback provided by human creators. This adaptive memory allows them to refine and evolve their output over time, mirroring the continuous learning and improvement characteristic of intelligent systems.

The dynamic interplay between the past and the future is a defining feature of AI image tools. Informed by historical datasets, they project forward by generating images that transcend replication and enter the realm of creative synthesis. This forward projection becomes a collaborative act between the machine and the human creator, as the tool's capacity to inform is harnessed to explore new aesthetic territories, challenge artistic conventions, and that prompt innovative visual narratives.

Early Era Counting Fingers AI Generative Image Research

— these machines are forms that inform; they are informed because they can be made to remember the past and make new types of projections into the future.[5]