Brilliant Innovation Taken For Granted

"The solutions of problems are not "invented" or "deduced" they are "found"; they "occur". Because post factum the previously separate mental fields merge into one and the jagged bisociative act is smoothed out into a now continuous associative flow, all revolutionary innovations appear after a while as trivial and obvious, and we marvel less at the discovery itsef, than at the apparently abysmal stupidity of the mental stage preceding it..."

Arthur Koestler, "Insight and Outlook", New York: Macmillan, 1949.

There Are Revolutions

"A new science arises out of one that has reached a dead end. Often a revolution has an interdisciplinary character-its central discoveries often come from people straying outside the normal bounds of their specialties. The problems that obsess these theorists are not recognized as legitimate lines of inquiry."

James Glick, "Chaos", Penguin, 1987.