Nota Bene
From Neurons to Nirvana: The Great Medicines has become a bit of a meme. The film’s tag “Neurons to Nirvana” and “N2N” has been taken up by various actors, some of whom are spouting out nonsense, and in some cases dangerous nonsense. These individuals and groups are not associated with the film. There are also apparently people posting on Twitter (X) using the name of the film. I personally left twitter as soon as Musk bought it. No desire to be on that particular oligarchs platform. People glammed onto the title for various marketing reasons and they certainly didn’t ask me if that was ok. There is a “neurons to nirvana” podcast, at least one book, Reddit page with thousands of followers and a whole musical band. Be aware out there of misrepresentation, disinformation and just plain craziness. Titles can’t be copyrighted, and even if it was possible to do the legal work (as a trademark?) it is beyond my means. This page is the true source for anything to do with the film. Contact me directly if you have any questions. Thanks Oliver Hockenhull
Featuring interviews with the world’s foremost researchers, writers, and pioneers in psychedelic psychotherapy — these soul healers and scientific investigators are using everything from ancient decoctions to LSD and MDMA/Ecstasy as essential medicines, proposing that they be made available for research and therapeutic use.

“Whether or not you agree that psychedelic experiences can be useful, there is a growing consensus that the so-called “War on Drugs” has been a catastrophic failure. This is not a difficult case to make and constitutes more an illustrative side-note to this really quite beautiful film. Instead, the focus is on the nature and utility of the experiences themselves and the substances that induce them. The background around their illegality and the establishment crusade against them, acts only as further evidence for their revolutionary potential.
Oliver Hockenhull’s Neurons to Nirvana explores the possibilities of the psychedelic experience through a combination of historical record and interviews with researchers in the field of psychedelics, notable examples including pscychologist Ralph Metzner, psychiatrist and neuropsychopharmacologist David Nutt and ethnopharmacologist Dennis McKenna (brother of the famous shamanic philosopher Terrance McKenna). Aside from the potential therapeutic benefits, there is also a sense in which, through the proliferation of a cultural zeitgeist inclined towards demonising these experiences, we could be missing so much.” “On Netflix” Robin Gilbert-Jones
On IMDb 7.9 /10 stars 992 reviews