Where you can find DAMP —Bibliothèque de l’Université Laval —School of The Art Institute of Chicago —Temple University Libraries —Yale University Library —University of British Columbia Library —University of Victoria Libraries —University of Washington Libraries —Portland State University —University of Miami —The British Library, St. Pancras —University of Oregon Libraries —University of Calgary —Library University of Alberta —Nova Scotia College of Art & Design Library —Harvard College Library —MIT Libraries —Keene State College —Medicine Hat College Library —University of California, Davis —University of Saskatchewan Library —Weber State University —Loyola Marymount University —University of Colorado Boulder —University of California, Irvine —University of California, San Diego —University of North Dakota —University of New Mexico-Main Campus —The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art —University of Wisconsin – Madison, General Library System —University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign —Western Michigan University —Indiana University —Rice University Texas —A&M University —University of Michigan —Cleveland Public Library —Princeton University Library —Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi —University of Guelph —University of Toronto —Vanderbilt University Library —University of Toronto Scarborough Library —Western University —Tulane University —University of Alabama —University of Pittsburgh —Auburn University —Rutgers University Libraries —Savannah College of Art & Design —Concordia University Library —Indiana University of Pennsylvania Library and Archives —Canada Bibliothèque et Archives Canada —McGill University Library —National Gallery of Canada Library —St. Lawrence University —University of Georgia —Université d’Ottawa —Bard College —Goddard College Library —Library of Congress University of Maryland —Libraries University of South Carolina —University of Virginia College of Charleston —Columbia University in the City of New York —Dartmouth Library —Fordham University —Metropolitan Museum of Art —University of South Australia —RMIT University Library —Monash University Library —New York Public Library System —University of Hawaii at Manoa
“Vancouver's experimental film and media culture is a tenacious and many-rooted weed, far from the cultural centres of Canada, North America, and the world and unwarmed by the city's Hollywood hothouse. As the late Ken Anderlini writes inside, our media art scene may be what saves Vancouver, precisely because it's one of the few things in our city that is not for sale. From our damp city's volatile humus grows this book, its beautiful and uncategorizable pages composing a variegated, weird, enchanting flower."
Laura U. Marks, Associate Professor and Dena Wosk, University Professor in Art and Culture Studies, Simon Fraser University
Edited and Designed by Oliver Hockenhull & Alex Mackenzie
"The impressions of Vancouver captured by its leading new media artists and theorists in this collection are both more anxious and credible than the ersatz Hollywood movies, TV shows and real estate ads that emanate from the corporate coast. The artists depict their city as a place perpetually in a state of becoming, as ungraspable as rain, whose direction can only be inferred by its traces, like charged particles in a cloud chamber. In this dance of decay and fluorescence, the only constants are the ache of loss and the effervescence of the new."
Liam Lacey, Arts and Film Contributor, The Globe and Mail
"Many of my favourite Canadian thinkers and media makers are represented in this sharp, engaging book. It captures that rich interplay between cultural critics, filmmakers of all generations, visual artists and activists which has given everyone else in Canada Vancouver-envy. The theorizing here is smart, the visuals endlessly inventive. When most of us weren't looking, Vancouver displaced Toronto as the Canadian centre for vanguard thinking about media, culture and place.”
Will Straw, Professor, Media, McGill, Montreal

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