Amanda Feilding | Director of the Beckley Foundation | Countess of Wemyss and March
On Psychedelics | On Trepanation | On The Ecstatic State | Stream the Film

"If LSD is having its renaissance, Feilding is its Michelangelo. She works 15 hours a day, seven days a week, to coordinate—and contribute to—research on one of the most highly controlled substances on Earth. And not with any old dumpy university she can find—we’re talking big names, like Imperial College London. Study by study, each following rigorous research standards, Feilding is building a case for making LSD a standard weapon in the clinical fight against mental illness. It's a path, though, that's fraught with scientific pitfalls—researchers are just beginning to understand how the human brain works, much less the mechanisms behind psychedelics." Wired Magazine Profile on Amanda Feilding 2018

Albert Hoffman — "One can become conscious of the limitations of our time-imprinted, dualistic, materialistic world-view. The overcoming of this world-view is a prerequisite for a transformation in the ethical and social conditions of our society, which is urgently needed to save the world."
"I Am My Own Laboratory" is an experimental documentary on a remarkable woman. Amanda Feilding, Countess of Wemyss and March, is an English scientist, drug policy reformer, artist and penetrative cultural provocateur. In 1998, she founded the Beckley Foundation, a charitable trust that promotes a rational, evidence-based approach to global drug policy policies and initiates, directs and supports pioneering neuroscientific and clinical research into the effects of psychoactive substances on the brain and cognition. The central aim of her research is to investigate new avenues of treatment for such mental illnesses as depression, anxiety and addiction, as well as to explore methods of enhancing well-being and creativity. Feilding learned about the ancient practice of trepanation from Bart Huges, whom she met in 1966, and who published a scroll on the topic. She trepanned herself in 1970.