another on the same street.

That's what our situation was. Her house was a small dump. A 1920's failed attempt at emulating Victorian stylistics. She was in the process of redoing the whole thing. It was given to her by her still living parents. They went to live in a condo downtown. Enough cutting grass for them. Half the walls were down, half the walls were being put up somewhere else. She was doing it in a piecemeal fashion. I don't really know if she had a plan or not. I bet she did and I bet she was planning on abandoning the whole project at some point. That was just the way she was. Like most of us.

Her proclivity was she was able to organise things to best suit herself. I know that sounds obvious. I mean that's a given, right? Of course the trouble was she didn't know who she was and she had no trouble in damning anyone in her way.